I have been sewing since I was a freshman in high school and took my first home economics class. I really love sewing. There have been periods of my life when I haven't done a lot of sewing; i.e., waning interest and being busy with raising a family. Of late I have veered off again into garment sewing. I do not consider myself a beginner sewer, nor a couture sewer, but probably somewhere in the middle.
There seem to be endless sewing blogs to delve into. I have learned a tremendous amount just in the last few months reading other people's successes, failures, and tips about sewing. I have been trying to balance my time and not spend too much in reading blogs and not enough time actually sewing!
I haven't really spent a lot of time on my own sewing blog in comparison to what many other people are posting. One of my goals is to become good enough to have some helpful advice and tutorials for someone else.
3 months ago